“Growing up as a punk rock kid in a place like Mexico was a little different than growing up that way in the US.
I was 15 years old and interested in punk rock music, so I played in bands in my hometown and because of the Punk scene, I got my first tattoo and I didn’t like it. I got hurt and I got a really bad job.
I came home really upset and sad, my father saw me and asked what happened, and I told him, he looked at me and asked if I thought I was capable of doing a tattoo and I said yes! At that very moment, he began to help me make a home made tattoo machine.
We made the needle out of one of the strings from my guitar, the first tattoo I ever did was on my father that same day.
He gave me so much confidence; until the day he died, he was proud of his tattoos”

Goethe started tattooing over 30 years ago in his home town (Durango, Mexico)
Where he opened his first tattoo studio in 1993 called “Deadline Tattoo”

“In those years tattoos in Mexico didn’t exist as a form of art, It was a big taboo that Tattoos were only for criminals, so it was a hard start for us”

– In 1996 he moved to Aguascalientes, Mexico where he opened the first tattoo studio legally established in that city, keeping the name “Deadline Tattoo”
He was tattooing different styles, until he discovered the world of ancient Mexico and changed his life as an artist.

“I found that Mesoamerican Art was so unique and had so much to offer, because it is my heritage, I started to study
one of the most important cultures in the world, one based on rituals and Gods who overcome their own deaths”

– In 2002 he moved to San Diego, CA (USA) his international career started in downtown San Diego in a studio called
“Church of Steel” tattooing there for a couple of years and starting to attend US tattoo conventions

– In 2005 he moved to Los Angeles, CA. and started tattooing in “Por Vida Tattoo” expanding his style of tattooing
and caught the attention of a lot of people. He started winning awards at conventions, appearing in tattoo magazines
and attending worldwide Tattoo conventions (USA, Europe, Mexico and South America)

-In 2010 when he decided to open his private studio in Pomona, California.

After that, he opened “Prehispanic Images” tattoo studio in Fontana, CA

– Those years of private tattooing pushed him to seriously start other passions of his (The Sculpture work)
and started a project called “Burials” (Underworld by Goethe) using mixed media and replicas of original aztec bones, including skulls.

“My own concept of life and death, based on meso-american cultures, sculptures and burials that show a strong
connection with rituals and offerings, creating an atmosphere where you can feel the connection to the afterlife”

“Goethe truly outdid himself and as an artist and viewer I couldn’t be more blown away and proud to see his work
come to life. This is something that needs to be shown in Art Museums around the world and exposed to a broader
audience. To have his artwork of this caliber displayed in our gallery is something that has never been done before.
A definitely a must see!
C.I. Gallery

– In 2015 he had the opportunity to work in “Collective Ink Gallery” a “Sullen” family tattoo studio in Orange County California

– In 2019 he opened a new tattoo studio called “Worldwide Tattooers” in Houston, TX where he tattoo part time, untill 2023

– Now he opened a Art studio in Los Angeles with his son, a new concept where they are going to mix different arts such as printing, painting, sculptures and Tattoos.